Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Knitting Badges that I have earned!

A fellow blogger had done this and since I am a brownie leader and I love badges! I had to do this! lol

Here's the link for Cast On!

The “Proselytize Knitting” Badge - A requirement for all Knitting Scouts, the recipient must do his or her bit to present knitting in a positive light, whilst at the same time avoiding all references to “hipness”, grandmothers, and yoga.
I have talked it up with my brownies and my daughter. Its fun to sit at lunch or in the public and knit!

The “MacGyver” Badge (Level One) - The recipient must demonstrate clever use of a non-knitting tool in a knitting-related scenario. For instance, recipient has used paper clips as stitch markers, or successfully whittled and then utilized bamboo skewers as dpns.

I have used different things as well for stitch markers and have used pens as cable hooks when my have gone missing.

The “Knitting Whilst Under the Influence” Badge - This applies to both actual knitting under the influence, as well as achieving moments of stunning intellectual clarity about ones knitting under the influence. Presumes talking about knitting whilst under the influence a given.

Guilty on both accounts!

The “Inordinately Fond of Novelty Yarn” Badge - In which the recipient professes an arguably unhealthy affinity for yarn with slubs, sparkles, spangles, fur, feathery bits, and an unconscionable proportion of man-made fibre. Recipient makes no apology for the preference.

Making abunch of these for a craft show. Two words: Big needles!

The “Knitting Has Forced Me to Seek Medical Attention” Badge (Level One) – In which the recipient has been forced to seek the advice of a medical doctor, nurse, or alternative healthcare professional for injuries sustained as a result of knitting.

Can you say Tennis Elbow anyone?

The “Knitting Has Forced Me to Seek Medical Attention” Badge (Level Two) - In which the recipient has been forced to seek the advice of a medical doctor, nurse, or alternative healthcare professional, in a hospital emergency room, for injuries sustained as a result of knitting.

Can you say Tennis Elbow again and couldn't knit for two months!

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