Thursday, September 17, 2009

Been awhile

Well alot has been going on. I have lost 35 lbs so far! I am so please and love how I feel and look. I hope to loose another 18 and then that should be it. Hopefully! lol Lovin' the size 8 pants!

I have read 28 books so far this year - though I think its higher all though I may have forgotten to write some down.

The East coast was amazing and I wish I oculd of stayed out there longer. Hopefully I will get back out there and if I do I will fly! Then rent a car out there. We loved PEI the best but I did love Acadia (Port Royal and area) was my next favourite. Not that it has anything to do with me being an Acadian descendant! Really it does't! lol Not!!! It was so surreal that my ancestors walked and lived in this area over 308 years ago and that I can trace my roots back that far. Amazing!

Well off to read before I go to bed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

East Coast Bound

In a few days we are heading to the ol' East coast. I can't wait! It feels like I am going home though I am born and breed here in Ontario. lol I am an Acadian descendant and can't wait to see where my ancestors called home and were the great Expulsion took place.

Alot has happen since I last posted. Well it has been awhile! In May we had a big storm and the back siding of our house came off abit soooo what's a person to do. call the insurance company. Well we couldn't match the new siding to our brick (icky brick), that's 25 years old. So we did the next best thing. We painted it and got taupe siding! It looks amazing and like a brand new house. Now to work on the inside.

Oh! Speaking of May WE FINALLY SOLD THE FARM AND ITS GONE. Hence the painted brick, new truck and a trip east. lol Its nice not to worry about the farm anymore.

On the gardening and knitting front nothing has happen much. Especially gardening with the spraying and that. And knitting haven't touched it since December of last year. Well one good thing of having the farm was that I went there to knit. lol

Well of to rest. I felt like shit and came home from work today. Had a bug in my tummy as the kids.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Earth Hour

We participated again this year and had fun. The kids lit a bunch of candles (with me in the room) and we sat and watched a movie together. It was really nice. All the other lights were out. Sadly alot of my neighbours had their lights on.

Till next year when we can do it again!

Here's what WWF- Canada had to say:

Climate Change Message Heard Around the World!

Thank you Canada for becoming part of the solution by sending a strong message to world leaders about the need for action on climate change!

A poll commissioned by WWF-Canada shows that more than half of all adult Canadians (52%) participated in WWF’s Earth Hour on March 28, creating an unprecedented call to action on climate change in advance of the UN negotiations in Copenhagen in December. The main reasons people turned off their lights were to show support for action on climate change and express a commitment to take personal action for the environment.

Globally, almost 4,000 cities in 88 countries participated in Earth Hour, far exceeding WWF’s global goal of 1,000 cities. Canada was again among the leading countries in the campaign in terms both cities participating (more than 280 nationally) and for participation per capita.

The poll results also show that Canadian concern for climate change extends far beyond participating in Earth Hour. Eighty per cent of Canadians believe that Earth Hour is sending a message to the federal government that now is the time to start taking climate change seriously and develop a plan to reduce emissions.

Still time to sign up!

If you forgot to sign-up for Earth Hour there is still time! Do it now and your sign-up will still count to the global count.

People were inspired across the country and around the globe as monuments such as the CN Tower, the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, the Acropolis and the Empire State Building went dark. This year we welcomed new participation from people in countries such as India and China, and welcomed back the countries that celebrated Earth Hour in 2008.

Thanks to everyone for making our climate change message heard around the world. However you celebrated, we hope it was a truly memorable experience and we hope that you continue to take actions every day to reduce your ecological footprint. Remember to make every hour Earth Hour by joining WWF-Canada’s web-based community, The Good Life! The next few months will be critical as we wait to see how global leaders react to this united call for action on climate change.

How low did we go?

The goal of Earth Hour is really about participation but it is also fun to track the energy reductions across the nation.

The results are just starting to trickle in and we'll update you here as we get them.
City/Town, Energy Drop (Energy Drop Percentage)
Calgary, 10 MW (1%)
Edmonton, (5,2%)

British Columbia, 72.67 MW (1.1%)
Victoria, (3.1%)
Vancouver, (1.3%)

New Brunswick, 20 MW

Newfoundland and Labrador, (1%)

Nova Scotia, 15 MW (1%) Ontario, 920 MW (6%)
Toronto, 455 MW (15%)
Mississauga, (10%)
Ottawa, (6%)
Oakville, (13.3%)
Peterorough, (10%)
Richmond Hill, 43 MW (27%)

Prince Edward Island, (9.7%)

Quebec, 150 MW (5%)

Saskatoon, (1.2%)

If your city or provinces results aren't here please ask your local city leaders or hydro company as WWF-Canada won't be following up directly with any energy providers.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Welcome to March

Its hard to believe its the first day of March. Where has the time gone? As I sit at the desk I can see snow flakes falling down - nothing major but still a reminder that Spring is a few weeks away. Being a winter baby (March 8), I love winter and the snow that comes. But this winter has actually been a long cold one with lots of snow. This snow baby is ready for spring.

The days are getting longer and the sun "appears" to be brighter and thts a beautiful thing!

On the knitting front I still haven't gotten much done. Still working on a scarf but one of these days I will set my mind to it and finish it and the other projects.

With the snow melting I can see the mess I will have to deal with in a few weeks in the gardens, which by the way got neglected alot last year. I am thinking of ripping one up and beginning again.

I went to Ash Wednesday mass with the kids on Wednesday and then headed to work. My goal is to make it to church more during the Lenten season this year. With Matt's accident last year I hate to say I hadn't been to church since last Jan/Feb '08.

Also, I will try and post more here. With the hours I work at work 9-10 hour days its hard to get the daily stuff done let alone all the fun stuff. lol

My daughter, Miki, and I went to a friends 1st Anniversary sale at her Quilt Shoppe. She offered 30% off and I got some fabric to make my recyle bag and a few patterns that I should be able to do. I am not a big sewer but it would be fun to do. Add to the growing list of to do. lol

Well of to finish some laundry, send my daughter's friend home and head to my parents for the day and dinner.

Have a peaceful Sunday.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mid of January

Its hard to believe its the middle of January already. Where has the month gone. It has been a really cold week this past week with temps getting down to -28C with the windchill. Okay its nothing like the West with their temps at -50C but baby its COLD OUTSIDE!

Now we have to contend with snow and more snow. I really am getting tired of it but it beats heat of the summer. Hubby took the sled for a rip at the local park ( a no no) but he hasn't had a chance to ride it up at the farm as the trails are still not open. They got early snow and farmers hadn't taken off all of their corn yet so some of the fields aren't snowmobile friendly.

It's going to be a busy week here - Quincy gets a hair cut on Tuesday and the cats go for the neutering and nails on Friday and come home Saturday. Still not sure about the nails but I do want to save the furniture.

Well my son had his belated birthday party last night and the kids were good. Darling daughter had a friend as well and they didn't bother the boys too much. The kids loved the castle cake I made this year. Isn't anything full of candy good. lol They all left at 10 am and its been a jammy day ever since.

I have three reviews to write up but have no motivation. I did finish reading Fleece Navidad and earlier this week I read Dyer Consequences both by Maggie Sefton. I love her books. Knitting and mystery what a deadly combination! hehe

Well off to get my work cloths washed so I can wear them tomorrow and write the reviews...
