Saturday, October 20, 2007

KTS 4 is here!

I should of posted this weeks ago but I am still excited! I got an international pal this time. She is from Finland and her name is Heli. Hi Heli!! I've gone shopping and have gotten her some really neat things and I hope that she will enjoy them.

The sports are rapping up thank goodness and we can have a breather. Though the Hoops coach is starting another girls session next friday. This one ends on tuesday. We go to brownie camp on friday and I told him we wouldn't play this time around but next. I need a break. With ds in it on mon and thurs and dd tuesday and fridays (plus brownies on thurs) it kept me running.

After hubby and the kids get back from hunting (the first week of November) I will get ds into Karate. He loves it and it is two nights a week too. So I guess I have a three week respit. Yeah me!

Monday, October 08, 2007


Well I signed up for Raverly. Not really sure what it does but it looks like a knitting blog and site for other stuff.

I just looked to see where I am sitting and here is what it says:

Found you!
You signed up on September 16, 2007
You are #33315 on the list.
8091 people are ahead of you in line.
7776 people are behind you in line.
58% of the list has been invited so far

Well I am getting closer!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Its been a busy week. The kids were home sick from school for two days. I was home the first day with them and then I managed to go to work for the other four. Basketball for both of them is taking alot of time right now. Another two weeks of this and it will be done. Thank goodness! Gotta love them and the extra activities but its wearing me done and I'd like to join something too.

This is how our week goes: DD has cross country practice mon, tues and thurs. She has basketball tues and fri and brownies and thurs. DS has basketball mon and thurs (hubby has to take him to that one). The only nights free are Wed and the weekends. I put my foot down on that one!

Well we got the house cleaned up for the in-laws and the rolled in after lunch yesterday. Hubby did the bulk of the cleaning. I have managed to get 5 loads of laundry done today. Yeah me! hehee

Plus cook two pies (mil brought apple pies with her), cooked a turkey. Stupid me! Its 102F! But the bird and mashed potatoes and fresh carrots were yummy! I didn't realize it was going to get that hot out. I figured warm - you know in the twenties, celsius) not this other shit. It was 29C and the humidex was 38F.

I haven't been doing any knitting this week but I did make a scarf last weekend and a soap sack as well. The soap sack will be part of a gift basket for the CWL christmas bazaar. I haven't done alot of knitting for the Chirstmas sale I am going in. Getting tired of scarves and dishcoths. I have other knitting I need to do now but my one shoulder is killing me.

We are going state side tomorrow and having Thanksgiving with my family. My sister and I are getting rooms over there. Get this! Its $58 Canadian a night or $59 Us a night. Well I think I know what I want to pay in! hehehe Hubby bought $250 US and it cost us $250.43 Canadian and that is with the staff discount. Mind boggling. Going to do some power shopping tomorrow.

The last time our dollar did this well I was my kids age. Boy I feel old but at least I can say its happened twice in my life. Plus they say that the Canadian Unemployment rate is the lowest in 33 years. We are breaking all kinds of records. WOW!!!!!

Well I need to pack. I am taking some knitting with me and hope to get a few things done. Little projects are great and then I know that they are finishede.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, October 01, 2007

KTS 4 starts Wednesday

Just to let everyone know that KTS 4 begins Wednesday at

The first 200 people who sign up will be able to participate.

Lets make tea.....

A contest to enter!

Gotta love contests! Kathy from is having a contest on her blog. Go to the above link to find out more!

Have fun!