Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mid of January

Its hard to believe its the middle of January already. Where has the month gone. It has been a really cold week this past week with temps getting down to -28C with the windchill. Okay its nothing like the West with their temps at -50C but baby its COLD OUTSIDE!

Now we have to contend with snow and more snow. I really am getting tired of it but it beats heat of the summer. Hubby took the sled for a rip at the local park ( a no no) but he hasn't had a chance to ride it up at the farm as the trails are still not open. They got early snow and farmers hadn't taken off all of their corn yet so some of the fields aren't snowmobile friendly.

It's going to be a busy week here - Quincy gets a hair cut on Tuesday and the cats go for the neutering and nails on Friday and come home Saturday. Still not sure about the nails but I do want to save the furniture.

Well my son had his belated birthday party last night and the kids were good. Darling daughter had a friend as well and they didn't bother the boys too much. The kids loved the castle cake I made this year. Isn't anything full of candy good. lol They all left at 10 am and its been a jammy day ever since.

I have three reviews to write up but have no motivation. I did finish reading Fleece Navidad and earlier this week I read Dyer Consequences both by Maggie Sefton. I love her books. Knitting and mystery what a deadly combination! hehe

Well off to get my work cloths washed so I can wear them tomorrow and write the reviews...
