Sunday, March 26, 2006


Anyone that read this can you help me with adding those cute little boxes on the side. One for adding my friends - aka - fellow bloggers and to state how far I am on a project. Laymans terms would be great or step by step.


Another scarf I've made for our Girl Guide Appreciation Night

The yarn. I had the blue Libra since November 2005 and was going to use it as a Christmas gift but decided on another colour for my friend. I thought the yellow would go good with the blue for a scarf for our banquet we are having in April.

I started the scarf last night and about 3 hours later I was done. I used 9mm needles and 16 stitches and just gartered stitched to my hearts content.

Sweater for my kids

This is the sweater pattern that my kids want me to make them.

My son picked out his colours and they are: blue, white and red). This is the back of Matthew's sweater. I started it at 10pm on Thursday, March 16, 2006. It took me 3 hours to get to the begining blue row at the top of the the last repeat of colours. If I knew it was only going to be about 20 rows I would of finished it that night! Actually I thought I was doing my daughter's sweater and she informed me in the morning that it was her brothers. Oops! She was NOT IMPRESSED!

I started the front on March 17th in the afternoon and got it done that night. Hubby took me out for dinner. Forget what the place was called by the fish was good!

This is a photo of his sweater as it stands as of today. The sleeve was completed on March 18th and I just haven't had time to do the other one. Also, the sleeve is knitted down instead of from the ribbing up. I was kind of impressed though picking up the stitches were a pain in the ass!Needless to say my daughter wants me to finish hers as well. Maybe have to go and visit the in-laws so I can have some uninterrupted knitting! hehe

Final purchase at Lewiscraft

I purchased these during the March Break (Marh 17ht) at the Lewiscraft in Owen Sound. Boy am I going to miss this store! I do have a couple of others I love here in Sarnia - so won't have to travel too far.

Not sure what I will make with the Shetland Chunky. I just loved the colour!

Already know what I will make with this! A lovely scarf made with a stran of Aquarius and Libra together. Can't wait to get started!

Wow! I haven't posted in a Month!

I've been busy and haven't posted as much as I should. Finally I will post the slippers I made - though the very first pair I did went to my neice and I forgot to take a photo.