Saturday, June 24, 2006

Update of the past week

Its been a busy week for me. Not enough time in the day for everything I want to do. I worked on Sunday so I could take Friday off. It was the last mass of the school year and also awards presentations too. Needless to say my kids didn't get any awards but it was still nice to go and see everyone.

Monday I ended up with a BIG ol' migraine. It managed to keep me in bed for most of the morning. It was a dull roar at lunch but I still wasn't up to par. I did manager to make two batches of strawberry jam after supper. So I now have 21 jars of freezer jam. Yum!!!

Tuesday I worked on my poncho at work got about 10 rows done and sadly to say that's all the knitting I've done this week. Wednesday night I made strawberry-kiwi freezer jam. 6 more jars are in the freezer. I"m just waiting for the rest of the kiwis to ripen to make the next patch.

Thursday and Friday it rained so no gardening done. The gardens are looking great. I still have to pull out the dead plants that I killexed a few weeks ago to do my rose garden but hopefully start that tomorrow. I also picked up and 8 quarts of strawberries to freeze or make more jam. Haven't used all the berries in the freezer from the last year but more is always better eh!

Today we were suppose to go to baseball but ds isn't feeling to hot (this is 2 weeks without playing) so next we are going come hell or high water. We are going to do lunch and maybe look for a couple of body boards for the kids. The lake is only 2 long blocks from the house and sadly to say I have yet to swim in it. We been here 11 years come Aout. Tomorrow dd is invited to a double birthday at a friend (two friends are having a party).

On top of this I have to get some laundry done, housework done, and start killing the ants that like to invade in the summer. Its not a me thing but everyone where I live gets them.

We also sold the van on Wednesday so we have been down to 1 vehicle. That sucks! I work in town (12 mins away) so hubby and the kids had to drive me in at 6:30am on Thursday, needless to say they weren't too impress when I woke them up and said " lets getting going mommies ready.") Hubbies at the farm getting the truck- caught aride with friends so I didn't have that 6 hours round trip to do.

Okay off to get something done so I can actually, maybe knit later. The kids want their sweaters done. But with these temps I might be able to push it back abit. The way I am going I'll be doing the SOS till Christmas!

Have a great weekend!

Leigh Ann

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've more or less been doing nothing worth mentioning, but oh well. Basically not much exciting happening worth mentioning. I just don't have anything to say right now, but whatever. Eh.
- i
spaghetti alla carbonara