Saturday, May 26, 2007

Skeins Her Way blog

I was directed to this blog by Rycrafty about a contest for a fitted tank top and 4 balls of Blue Sky Dyed Cotton. Who could resist that! lol Here is the blog link to go to the contest:

Here is how to enter the contest. You must do it on her blog not mine but mention that you saw it here.

"""""First place winner will receive 1 copy of the pattern along with 4 hanks of Blue Sky Dyed Cotton in their choice of colors! Second & third place winners will each receive a copy of the pattern and whatever other goodies happen to jump into the package just before sealing and sending...

The warmer weather has moved in, even here in Minnesota, and I will be casting on a tank of my own very soon- maybe 2 as I can't seem to decide which color to do!

Okay, so here are the contest rules- all you have to do is:

1.) Leave a comment on this post letting me know what color you want and mention who's blog you heard about the contest on (if you jumped from a blog and if you can remember...)

2.) Then head to your blog and post a list of your summer knitting goals (there may be an end-of-summer contest of some sort to celebrate summer knitting accomplishments...) and mention this contest (with a link to this post-

3.) Lastly e-mail me with the link to your post! (ali AT skeins her way DOT com) Be sure to mention in your post for anyone who follows your link to let me know what blog they jumped from as every 'referral' will earn you another entry!

Contest will run through the end of the month (May) and my talented children will draw three winning names (or secret blogging identities) out of a container of some sort on June 1st.

Think about your summer knitting, make your lists, and get blogging!

Happy knitting,


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